Community Standards

We acknowledge that we gather, create, and participate in commerce on the ancestral lands of Quapaw, Caddo, and Osage people. We honor and respect these Indigenous people and their legacy.


NWA Girl Gang is the only 501(c)(3) nonprofit in Arkansas that creates communal experiences promoting the authentic participation of Marginalized community within society as a whole. by properly addressing accessibility from the lens of disability/neurodiverse advocacy and other marginalized identities, we work to ensure that a person has equal access to a given place, space, environment, structure, or activity and, encourage Authentic participation from an individual regardless of race, ethnicity, abilities, disabilities, physical differences, size, socio-economic status, religion, or current health status.

NWA Girl Gang events are inclusive and open to the public. We ask that all who choose to participate in NWA Girl Gang events adhere to our NWA Girl Gang Belonging Statement. Our Belonging Statement aims to center the needs of our intended community stakeholders.

Belonging Statement

We aim to foster inclusive and accessible experiences for women and minoritized individulas by removing barriers and creating access to Opportunities in Arkansas .

We Belive In

Solidarity to end discrimination and violence towards the TLGBQIA+ community, Trans community, Deaf community, disability community, and neurodiverse community

Supporting those that are rooted in work for reproductive rights, health care equality, radical care, and mutual aid

Accommodating authentic participation for those with communication differences such as those that are Deaf, disabled, neurodiverse

Supporting first/primary languages

Raising awareness concerning individual, institutional, and systemic issues within our communities and sharing our resources with others

Adhering to a Zero Tolerance Policy of racial violence towards racial and ethnic individuals and communities, including but not limited to overt physical violence, and micro-aggressions

Collective Participation

In order for NWAGG to create a space of belonging, it requires your involvement. Your attendance at any NWAGG-sponsored and/or associated event requires your strongest awareness and behavior for the following:

Be present in the moment.

Honor your body and emotions and be respectful of everyone’s emotional boundaries.

Exercise vulnerability.

Be patient and gentle with yourself and others.

Take breaks from social settings or activities as needed.

Don’t let FOMO (fear of missing out) obscure your needs.

Active attention is encouraged. Silence is also welcome.

Respect and be open to different learning styles, communication, experiences, and opinions.

Don’t make assumptions.

Check-in with others before discussing topics that may be triggering or traumatic to others.

Be mindful of your privileges and prejudices.


We encourage everyone to share with us your mobility, communication, and sensory needs so that we can best support you as an organization and within a group setting. 


There is ZERO tolerance for racism, micro-aggressions, verbal threats, bullying, sexual harassment, relational aggression, intimidation, and violence. When the principles outlined in our Belonging Statement are not respected, we will take appropriate action to address the situation. Consequences may vary depending on the severity of the violation and could include, but are not limited to, educational interventions, warnings, temporary suspension from the program, or, in extreme cases, permanent removal. These consequences are implemented with the aim of maintaining a safe and inclusive environment for all participants.


Accountability is a vital aspect of our commitment to belonging. We hold ourselves accountable to the principles outlined in our statement, and we expect the same from our program participants. If a participant engages in behavior that contradicts our values, we will hold them accountable through open and respectful communication. This includes providing feedback, engaging in dialogue to foster understanding, and encouraging personal growth and change. Accountability measures will be implemented consistently, fairly, and transparently, guided by our commitment to justice and equity.

Restoring Justice

We believe in the importance of restorative justice as a means of addressing harm and facilitating healing within our community. When incidents occur, we are dedicated to creating a restorative process that encourages dialogue, understanding, and repair. This may involve facilitated discussions, mediation, or other appropriate interventions aimed at repairing the harm caused, rebuilding trust, and supporting the well-being of those affected. Our goal is to create opportunities for learning, growth, and reconciliation, promoting a stronger and more inclusive community for all.

Please note, the NWAGG Belonging Statement is a working, living document and process. As NWAGG continues to learn from shared experiences with ourselves and our community, the Belonging Statement is subject to evolving.